About MiSide: A Thrilling Psychological Horror Adventure Game
MiSide is a unique psychological horror adventure game that offers an intense blend of first-person exploration and visual novel elements. Developed by Aihasto, this game thrusts players into a dark, surreal world where reality and fiction intertwine. Set against an eerie backdrop, the game is centered on Mita, an ordinary protagonist who finds themselves trapped in a mysterious mobile simulation. What begins as a harmless and seemingly mundane game soon spirals into a terrifying journey, filled with psychological twists and supernatural horror.
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Miside Characters
View Miside Characters, who is your favorite Mita?
Mita is a pivotal character in "Miside," embodying various personalities throughout the game, including Kind Mita, who actively supports the player in their psychological horror journey.
Cool Mita
Cool Mita is an energetic and optimistic character, known for her cheerful spirit and interactive nature, bringing a lively presence to her surroundings.
Sleepy Mita
Sleepy Mita is a relaxed and accommodating character known for her easygoing nature, often seeking harmony and providing comfort through her tranquil presence and frequent naps.
Creepy Mita
Creepy Mita, a sinister variant of Mita, embodies dark themes of obsession and fear, engaging players with unsettling charm and a disturbing appearance that enhances the horror experience.
Tiny Mita
Tiny Mita is a childlike, endearing version of Mita, marked by her traumatic past and innocence, embodying both charm and vulnerability in her character design.
Cappie Mita
Cappie Mita is an energetic and playful character known for her cheerful demeanor and love for games, often showcasing her competitive spirit in various activities.
Kind Mita
Kind Mita is a compassionate character who aids players against threats, showcasing resilience and kindness amidst chaos. She embodies hope and support in a nightmarish world.
2D Mita
2D Mita is a hyperactive and mischievous character, known for her playful banter and engaging interactions, often adding excitement and curiosity to her surroundings.